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My Conversations with Women Tend to be Boring- Conversation Tips when Dating Women

It is highly advised that men should act naturally whenever they ask women to hang out with them. Guys, through this way, you can render an impression to women that they’ll really spend a good time with you. Aside from the fear of being rejected, many guys are afraid of boring conversation, which make them say ‘My conversations with women tend to be boring. Though it is true that we can’t please all of the people around us, if you’re having this kind of dating problem over and over again, boy, maybe there’s indeed something wrong with you. In order to have a nice conversation with your date, you should stay confident, as well as assume that everything will be alright, and that the conversation will go on smoothly.

When taking a woman on a date, it is crucial for guys to show positive body language, therefore, guys, you should approach your date directly, and with a nice bright smile. You can build up your confidence through this way. While talking to your date, make sure to keep eye contact with her, avoid crossing your arms, and you should face her. This will make her feel and realize that you are interested with her, and that your attention is only towards her. However, guys should also sense the body language of women. If the woman touches her hair, smiles, or maintains an eye contact with you, there’s a huge possibility that she’s interested with you also, and that she likes to keep your conversation going.

Many men would certainly agree that it is relevant to make women laugh during a conversation. Making your date laugh is one way of making her enjoy your date, or spending time with you. It doesn’t mean that your conversation should be a standup comedy routine, but making women laugh is one way of keeping them interested. You may ask your date regarding the most exciting points in her life. You may as well make a joke towards yourself, in order to imply vulnerability, and that you are also capable to laugh at yourself.

You can provide your date with compliments, but make sure that it won’t appear as if you’re obsessed with her. Compliments can make women happy, as well can make them stay around and continue to have a nice chit chat.